Coronil: Govt. asked Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali to Stop Promoting the Drug

The Yoga Guru claimed that the Covid-19 Drug saw a 100 per cent success rate.


On Tuesday, Yoga guru Baba Ramdev’s company Patanjali announced that they have come up with the first Ayurvedic medicine which can cure any Coronavirus affected patient within 7 days of time.

Coronil, the Corona Kit by Baba Ramdev's Patanjali


According to Baba Ramdev, the medicine “Coronil” can help recover any patient suffering from the deadly respiratory disease. Patanjali started promoting the medicine which comes as a Corona Kit which consist of two tablets named Coronil and Swasari Vati and one oil named Anu Oil. According to them got 100 per cent success rate in seven days of trial. In addition to this, the Yoga guru also quoted saying that the Corona Kit also helps in boosting the immunity and any normal person looking to boost immunity can have it.


The company also released the dose guidance to its target audience and mentioned that both the tablets should be taken with hot water after every meal and it is applicable to the age group of 15 to 80. They also confirmed that the children aged below 15 can also consume the medicine and the dosage for them should be half of what is mentioned earlier.

Coronil, the Corona Kit by Baba Ramdev's Patanjali
Coronil - The Corona Kit from Patanjali


However, in a recent development, the Ministry of Ayush have directed Patanjali to stop doing any kind of promotions of the new drug and requested the ICMR to look into the company’s claim if Coronil can really help to cure Coronavirus.


We wanted to evaluate this entire event which took place today, starting from Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali claiming that Coronil can cure Coronavirus till the Ministry of Ayush directing them to stop all kinds of brand promotions, from the digital marketing perspective and understand what effect it can have on the brand.


In this Covid-19 affected world, any news regarding a drug which can cure the deadly Coronavirus will spread faster than light around the World. So, for a moment even if we assume that Coronil will fail during the inspection that ICMR is going to perform, the kind of publicity Patanjali as a brand will get among the worldwide media houses will be immense and cannot be quantified.


Secondly, if we look at all the social media channels starting from Facebook to Instagram, from Twitter to Linkedin – everywhere you can see the hashtags related to the news is trending.


So, if the claim by the company comes as trustworthy, Patanjali as a brand won’t have to spend a single penny more to promote the brand as the target audience are already aware of the product and are just waiting for the confirmation from the ICMR before rushing to buy!


So, it will be really interesting to see what ICMR has to inform to the Indians and the entire World about the Corona kit called “Coronil” by Patanjali.