Now You Can “Optimize for Conversion Value” with eCPC in Google Ads:

"Optimize for Conversion Value" can help in improving the ROI.

So, the highly anticipated update is here! Google Ads has added a new option for manual CPC bidding where you can Optimize for Conversion Value.


With this new feature, one can choose for maximizing conversion value based on Google’s algorithm if enhanced CPC has been opted for.

Maximize for Conversion Value

Famous performance marketer Scott Clark of BuzzMaven was among one of the early bird to find this out and share the same on his twitter handle.

Google recently introduced the smart bidding option “Maximize for Conversion Value” in the Google Marketing Live last month. That option was aiming at maximizing the conversion value utilizing the entire daily budget which has been allocated to a campaign.

As most of the companies who are doing search campaigns on Google have a diverse product range with a huge price variance, having a smart bidding option to maximize not only conversion but conversion value as well is kind of a Christmas gift before Christmas!

This smart bidding option can immensely help the performance marketers while performing the account optimizations as hitting the target ROI is the biggest challenge that each and every one of us faces in our daily jobs.

What was interesting in this move is Google adding smart functionalities in manual bidding is clearly an indicator of Google’s push to performance marketers towards using more and smart bidding options.