Google Rolls out “Maximum Conversion Value” Smart Bidding Strategy

"Maximize Conversion Value" is now live in all accounts.

Google introduced yet another smart bidding strategy for the users in the form of “Maximize Conversion Value” and it is now available in all Search Campaigns.

This is not something new or unexpected to the ones who followed the “Google Marketing Live” (GML) earlier this year in May 2019. This smart bidding option will be aiming at acquiring the highest conversion value within the given budget.

We currently have a similar option which is called “Maximize Conversion” which aims at acquiring as many conversions as possible with the budget given to the particular campaign. The newest smart bidding option is nothing but the same thing but this time with the conversion value which will directly affect the ROI of any campaign.

Maximize Conversion Value
Maximize Conversion Value Bidding Option is Now Available

Google says the newest smart bidding form uses the historical campaign data and the searcher’s contextual signals to determine the optimal CPC bid at the auction time.

You will need to use transaction-specific values or set a conversion value for all the conversion types available in your account in order to use this smart bidding option so that the system algorithm can identify the various conversion values and anticipate the user’s behavior and determine the optimal CPC during the live auction.

Conversion value rule, another announcement that Google made during the GML in May 2019, is yet to come live. Once available, this will provide more and more flexibility to the account managers in assigning values to the various types of transactions that can happen in the account. Also, when this becomes available, advertisers would also be able to set rules based on various demographics like location, device type any many more.

Even though Google made it clear that the manual bidding would still be available for the advertisers to use, day by day it is being deemphasized with the introduction of newer smart bidding options that are based on Google’s trustworthy smart algorithms.

Now it is to be seen how does the “Maximize Conversion Value” smart bidding actually works and if advertisers push their focus from using manual bidding towards more and more smarter bidding options.